A Happy Death: An Interesting Read


    If you're familiar with Camus' writing, you'll definitely recognize the exploration of existential themes in this book. While the title, A Happy Death, might seem contradictory, it begins to make more sense as the reader gets to see the main character's inner thought processes and contemplations. It is definitely interesting to read how the main character goes about different situations in his life. They constantly ponder questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" or "What does happiness look like?". In my opinion, even the smallest of his actions really add to his mysterious character.

    The book was published in 1971, a little over a decade since Camus died. The English version was published shortly after in 1972. It is split into two parts. Part one is titled "Natural death" while part two is titled "Conscious death". The story takes place in Algiers, Algeria. It follows and a man named Patrice Mersault. From a young age, he was very isolated. As his life progresses and he grows up, he finds his life more and more unfulfilling and meaningless. To him, it is just a long and repetitive cycle. 

    In hopes of escaping the cycle, Mersault meets a rich man named Zagreus. He eventually ends up killing Zagreus and attempts to buy happiness with his money. (This part shares similarities with one of Camus' other works, The Stranger as both Mersault and Meursault end up killing a man. Even their names are similar.) Mersault quickly finds out that that his attempt to buy happiness was unsuccessful as material things could not buy him what he's searching for. This is then explored more in the second part where Mersault eventually buys a house in a village. He moves in alone, free of any distraction and finally at peace. As he became more and more ill throughout the story, he eventually died a happy death. 

- Asmara


  1. Hi Asmara, the title of this book is definitely intriguing and seems to convey a good message. It's good that Mersault was able to die happy! Yay!

  2. This book sounds very interesting and I'll have to check it out!! I'm not familiar with this author's writing, but I will definitely check them out!


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